Jackie Kashian's Comedy Attic Return!

Jackie Kashian's standup ...

"is like listening to a really racy episode of All Things Considered." Her current hour standup special "This Will Make an Excellent Horcrux" was one of the top five comedy specials of 2014 on vulture.com. In the last year, she's been on the Conan O'Brien show, @midnight and has done some !acting! on Netflix's Lady Dynamite and IFC's Maron.

Jackie hosts The Dork Forest. For over 10 years, with more than 3 million downloads; the show is a safe space for dork on dork dialog with Jackie interviewing anyone and everyone about what they LOVE to talk and think about.

She is also a co-host to a NEW comedy podcast on the Nerdist Network called The Jackie and Laurie Show.

Jackie Kashian is a stand-up comedian who has been seen on Conan, Corden, HBO, Netflix, Comedy Central, and or heard on NPR and Audible. Touring 45 weeks a year, she calls it The Neverending Story Tour and you should check to see if she’s gonna be in a town near you. Her 5 comedy albums and specials have been number one on Amazon and Apple and #3 on Billboard. In addition to two podcasts “The Jackie and Laurie Show” and “The Dork Forest,” you can also read her writing in “The Comedy Film Nerds Guide to Movies” and the comic book “Comics Comics Quarterly”. Currently, she has a new TINY comedy special "LOOKING BACK" shot from the camera of a Mazda 6 in reverse.

07/12/2024 9:15 PM

Door Time: 8:45 PM

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